as da title pics pics n pics..=) words also la..
okay..time for updates..hehe
i think i shall start off with da latest event first?if i can rem la..heheh
so today..was fathers day..
da past 2 days was bz with da geram stu movie maker keep crashing..chis
so yea..n we performed todayyy...
well..only got during prac pics..hehe..
today one got vid lo..
but no..not gonna upload..=p
next was my bday..
was in mc don don n few of them came n suprise me with.....
tada..from jo n barn?hehe
n yea..b4 they left..we played with da arrangement of da words a while..haha
n in coll after 2nd paper...
2nd "cake" from classmates..hehehe
along with a sac a ma (handbag) n a card..hehe..
n then went dinner with fridays..
n o mi gosh..they made me stand on da chair!"tq" so much la jo..xD
n yea im supposed to sing a song to she supposed to sing to me..but end up i just said tq la..tee hee..
too spontaneous la..:rolleyes:..
if my brain was functioning dat time i'll dedicate "be true" or "shining frens" to u..but too bad la..
n da speech..or do u wan it now?=p
sing to u now lo..haha
u choose la which chorus u wan..haha
"I will always be with you
Always be true
Love will bring me close to you
I will always be with you
Always be true
Sweet words that melt in my heart "
(k la..this part sounds abit wrong la..but its okayy..haha)
"I will always be with you
Unafraid of wind and rain
If we face it together, we won’t lose
I will always be with you
Always be true
These sweet words stay with me always"
"Some dreams will never come true
Always stay cool
I will always be with you"
"so yealo..
i noe u've always try to b there for me n all..i really noe it la..eheh
n i noe u care!(since u bake da cupcake..joleen bake wo!=p..jkjk) yala..hehehe..tq v d muchie..=)"
so yea..after dat rush for practice..n yea..
when we're sort of "leaving"..
great..another bunch(opps) outside..fellow yfers..along with YY WL AMY!.."suprise~~" again.. yea..sing song cut cake chit chat then went yc..
n so heng heng send me home..
ah..driver for da day..ahhaa..
tq very much peeps!^^
what's next..
oh after exam on thurs..went to pyramid for da last hangout in 3 months with them..
watch blood..
n dine in fridays again..haha..
ohh..we had a yf group my group went for cruise tasik putra jaya..haha..
so yeah..hehe
we have family camp..
their journey to "scout sisters"..haha
okay..happenings in coll..
theres a hawaiian nite organized by us for batch 33..
ms jasmine bday..hehe
n yea da cake i get went missing..good thing theres another cake from da lecs..
random pics..hehe
kita semua sliders..haha
with lecs..

mr eugene - econs
ms jasmine - fnb
mr kwong (cute la he..ahaha) - acc
if u wonder..wad's up with da hand pose..haha
n yea..theres a subang cell outing as well..
went to melacca..
n r da pics..(finally got it..hehe)
Day 1
emo time..
first come one..
2 tag along
another 3 tag along..
ada apa?hope?cant rem..haha
Day 2
and then....
okay..i guess enough for now more to update..i guess..hehe
oh so i'll b leaving next sat!
donno wat to pack n bring lo actually..
n still thinking how to go lcct..
akibat so early punya flight..feel bad to ask anyone to send me..haha
oh well~
shall go sleep..took me bout an hour + to update yo..tsk tsk