got another game one..but i need to go..meeting up with cheao may at juz walk over lor..since win or lose also like nth one..
go back get rdy..walk to 14 bus woke up AT wait for her lor..nvm la..since b4 this she always wait for me one..xD..went parade 1st..1st station..speedy..bought 1 station..fos..but she cant find da thing she now..sakae d..not long later we walk to ktm station..wanna go sungei wang..reach there about 4.30..its all in plan man..xD..
go there..walk walk..then buy another cd..o.O..then till like 5.15 liddat..went down to da stage there..waiting for joey's dat moment..our leg already like wanna die d..but nvm..tahan..its worth it..for me la..but for cm..i think..for shopping..its worth it..LoL
finally she arrived..omg..she looks so so so sooooo...good today weh..xD
cm got a poster..but she don1 so she gimme i have 2 same poster..nyek..
wad she did =
tot wanna go da party also one..but donno how to get there..n i think its kinda far la..heh..
then went up stange to let her sign my cd..gosh..i feel kinda bad for cutting ppl line..=/..oh least i dont do dat often..=p
over d..we go rest our leg A WHILE..then walk again..then stop for dinner..ate teppanyaki(is this da how u spell?or is it single 'p'?lol)..not bad la..heh..
then walk again..omg..serious cannot tahan..but still continue..then walk to time square..juz to check out fos..finally decide to come back..=/..reach home around 10..
good thank god dat we get to sit in da train..if not..x.X..
come back..kena 'ngam' by my grandmother..sienz..:rolleyes:..
now leg hurts..sleepy..wad u xect..sleep so late..wake up bball..then go walk till liddat..-.-
o r some joey pics..=D (yala..sendiri siok..)
the background..
n finally my signed cd..=D
got more one..but enough la..=p
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