rem it was easter day tho..along with joleen n eugene..
write down name on da 'visitor' form thing..n donno wanna circle which age group..under 18 or 18 n above..cos im not 18 yet..ahaha..
watching da video n sketch..then get to know some ppl there..
rem how jo introduce me to others..eugene's gf la..eugene sis la..her sis la..n apparently they fall for all of it..i think..tsk tsk..or mayb its just jimmy..ahahaha..
n i think dat's da only sunday i went..
cant rem when i step in for YF..went for few weeks..on n off la..if jo got call then call then no go lo..
rem there's 1 week where they introduce themselves..then say i better rem cos they gonna simply point out n i must tell out da names..
n so i manage to ans all..even some of their 'fake' age..muahaha..=p
then there goes fam camp at d end of may..
b4 da camp was sooo..i donno wad to say..due to assessments n stuff..aih..
but its settled as it goes..

jo susanna me n mw..

treasure hunting..
n won..2nd place?hehe
drama nite..n also winner for da nite..^^

jo mw me..

me n jo..thanx for everthing thru out da camp..^^

mua room mates..
its funny having them together..haha
since then..i've became regular..
every sunday..every sat..oh..every fri too..
n also..the suprise bday thing..
thanx peeps again..
really appreciate it..=)

thanx peeps..=)

u also..tq..n san fu sai..eheheh
calvin n jo with their midnite drive n suprise..cis..acting summore..
betsy n her 'ice cream' too..xD
anyway..thanx peeps for wadever u've done for me..
no matter lil or much..
or least u xisted..=)
i would this 6 months..ive gone thru quite few things..
ups n downs..
good or bad..
most of all..thanx for da love..^^
i really really really can feel it thruout da camp..for wadever i've gone thru..
n also my bday..
tho some of u pranked me..piff..
ive a confession to make..
but i dare not..
prolly its not da time yet..
there's one fella dat knows bout it..
but can i really tell this fella everything?i dont know..=)
knowing me..will i even spill out everything?hmmm..=p
currently still don have da chance yet tho..
n pls don ask me pls if possible?..hehe
i'll c how..i shall just go with da flow..ehehe
i still have to face it one day..just da matter of now or
i would just say da 'straw'..or mayb a slightly better one..da 'hay' more higher..heh
sometimes i'll just think..don treat me so good la..i'll seriously feel bad..
n sometimes..i really donno wad shud i say when some of u asked me questions..firstly i might not even have da ans to myself..secondly..i donno wad n how to ans..thirdly..i think its better to remain silent..?
sometimes also..i donno how shud i react..or wad response shud i give..when some of u mention bout sth..
i guess all i can do is just..act nth n normal..=)
will u ppl still take me as who i am?even before or after u knew bout it?
or have diff perspective thinking of me?
u may say u may not..but even if u do..i may also not know..^^
sometimes i just wish dat things can b remained like last time..prolly da time when i just stepped in?=/ still doing good..^^
none da less..
thanx ppl!!
for da care n love..=)
n nice knowing u ppl..hehe
it is strange da things u'll go through till u finally realise..
dat da things u need da most r always right b4 ur eyes..
n da truth is always sth u would nv noe is true...=)