Monday, November 17, 2008


in this coming 2 weeks its really gonna b kinda hectic..
its da hectic season man!!sigh..
2 weeks straight..each day sure got at least 1 sub got assessment one..except for fri i would say for now..cos its practical..
infact..i cant..or shud i say study laaaaaaa.......howwwwwwwwwwwwwww.........
what more when our event arent going well for now..aih
hectic till i donno wad am i to do la..
someone help me..=(

don really have much to update i guess..hehe..but got lots of outdated pic la..=p
previous class punya pastry n kitchen prac class..
wa..just realise..its 3 weeks ago one..haha

wad finger d ah?cant rem..hehe

tiramisu..halfway done la..just need to put another layer n then put inside fridge..

melted butter..nyek..




cant rem wad salad?ehehe

potato gratin!!yummmm..

oh..while we're cooking..there's this batch of seniors..i donno wad is it for..but i think their food kena judge one..1 whole row..hehe

now go to da indian cuisine i went d other day..

starter..donno wad's this..but its fried ladys finger..potato..cauliflower..cant rem wad else..

rice with parpedam?how to spell..haha

mutton..not bad..

dessert..i guess no much ppl actually ate da whole thing..=p

n this roast duck..which my group didnt get to serve due to holiday..but nice lo..hehe

don even noe if we have da chance to make it this week or not also..=/

now FnB..due to no nth much..
but we did wine tasting..1 white 1 red wine..

white wine..

red wine..

n i gotta say..
it taste horrible!!!haha

oh b4 i end..

here goes my lovely fren..haha
aka model..hehe

oh..exam timetable out d..=(

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