its d 9th week..
n without noticing..
finals are just 2 weeks away..o.O
task left.
fnb - not done donno how
french - not done in process
psr - not done
anything else?-.-
our portugal and "san-pi" poster for presentation..tsk tsk
salmon..looks good eh..hehe
been trying to mix few drinks lately..
not really la..
since i got some syrups which i donno wad to do with it..haha
but still think my 1st creation better..i think!heee became guinea pig again..hahaa..this time i didnt even try it on my own..agak agak ingredient dan sukatan je..xD!
hey kitty kitty!
o ya..credits to jo as well for helping to shoot our vid..sacrificing her zzzz..haha
oh..just now..went n c c look look prawn fishing awhile..
wanted to fish one..but then..aiya..abit malas la..quite tired also..
so lepaked there for half an
mj mj..stop slacking la..hehe
of all term..y term 5?tsk tsk
well..better not slack during term 6..heee
tmr gonna mix my cocktail..i think..
wonder how will it turn out to be..
n hopefully tmr service will b a good one for me..ehehe
so sleepy can die..
gonna sleep after revising quickdo..
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