Thursday, November 01, 2012


Sometimes i would just wonder, what for?

i mean like, in certain situation...what for putting in so much effort?
i would say its a choice..
i would be thinking, if other people, or the main people, they put in more effort, fine its their part..
if the main people, does not plan to or not able to put in their effort, their prob..

being the not so important, at least i think so..haha..or just someone behind the scene, or wadever u call it..
knowing that, no matter how much effort or sweat u poured in or at least trying to..the end results will still be the same..then....why still do it? why still go for it?

once u're behind the scene, and not as outstanding as those main people infront of you..or sometimes its just by one mistake that you've made or what so're always left behind, until they got no choice, then only notice u..

fair or not, its not for us to judge..
we'll have own thoughts and feeling about it..but all we can do is just, accept it.

perhaps that shows how reality life is, regardless if its a big or small matter..

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