Wednesday, November 26, 2008

what can i say?aih

finally..carnival over d..
i wouldnt say its very successful..i also wouldnt say its unsuccessful..
but..good effort ba..hehehe
thanx to those who came..n sry for da insufficient food..hehe english presentation went on quite well i would say..
at least i didnt even look at da paper/cue?card on my hand..
but i donno if i hit 5 mins or not..cos im not sure if i saw da 'sign' got like don have..
donno la..but i just noe i was shaking n talk kinda fast..hehehe

so manyyyyyyyy dues next week..sigh
assessments here n there..dues here n there..all next week..
n havent even start doing ANYTHING~~
time management cacated..
free also don wanna do wad?blog..-.-
akibatnya..sat need to go mcd..aih

then da following week will b going for camp..
no idea wad's gonna happen this time..
mayb things would b diff after dat?i donno..heh

n da following week later on exam week..=/
mcd again..

tot will feel more relief after da carnival..but instead..i think i felt even more stressed out after looking at my planner..><
i donno many things to think about also..

tmr pulak got drama for bm..
n didnt even practice yet..
why la do i have to take bm?
y la didnt i get credit for bm?
y la..-.-

don wanna noe don wanna care~~~~

and tmr is da interview day~
hopefully i could ans wadever ques dat were to b thrown to me..><


Anonymous said...

Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)

Anonymous said...

Not bad article, but I really miss that you didn't express your opinion, but ok you just have different approach