for joey concert..n for joleen to chill n study..
c i so good bring her atmosphere to study..not always got this chance u noe..=p
yes only both of us..
without a place to stay..aahaha..
n so we went 1u for da bus..thanx calvin for fetching us there..hehe..
actually wanna take da free bus one..but also don noe if we didnt manage to catch da bus or da bus doesnt exist..ahaha
we took da 3.30pm bus..
this post super lots of pics lo..ehehhe
here we go..start off with in da bus..
our 1st meal..lunch mayb?..sushi..from calvin..
aiyer..who's this?xD
cabel car time..
"im scared!!"
oh reminds me..there's took my cam..wanna take pic..
so she normal la..ownself take pic how..lense face u she put lo..then she tekan to take pic..
im like thinking..wth?is she taking pic already?
till then she notice..da cam is not even on yet..*o no*..ahahhaha..bodo kau..=p
couldnt help myself from laughing dat time..
reach d~~
spices n foods along da
some example..kokocrunch n rice donno wad..haha
jo damn smart..take pic thru mirror but on flash..ahaha..=p..'s only 153cm tall??xD!!
O.O..marry brown(hash brown..xD) toy..ball also so hard to choose..tsk
our 2nd meal..for dinner..b4 i go for my concert..hehe
so after dat..i abandon joleen..=/..n went n meet up with my forum fren for da concert..starts bout 8.20pm..around there la..then end bout 10.20pm..then all call for encore for bout 20mins..but tak jadi..=(
and so i came out n meet up with joleen..
she brought me to a place to chill..not long later went find da mamak to grab burger..tee hee..
our half eaten burger..3rd meal..supper time..
hoik!i can reach!ahaha..=p
woot..she's taller than me..:rolleyes: place to stay..=(
i think we lepak there for..i donno how many hours..
i donno she do n study kuar..haha..
n i went n rayau rayau myself settling my stuff..heh
didnt really feel dat cold till i think bout 2 or 2sth in da morn outside there..-.-"
so we left dat place bout 3 sth..i guess..n.........
our 4th meal!!midnite supper?
n there i met my fren again..n 4 sth we went up to their room..c da stuff dat they bought..n chit chat..till they sleep..n me n jo took a short nap bout 6-8am?heh..
don even noe its a cupboard..-.-"
ko-ed..o shoot..dead body..ahahaha..
morn view..
sleepy la~
two sleepy head..
cake house..?
first world..
botak or not?haha
5th meal..breakfast..roti telur...
n so we head back..missed da 10.30 took da 11.30 bus..
went jalan jalan a while lo..
n so reach subang bout almost 1 i think..
then went lunch with barney..our 6th meal(pic with jo) 24 hours...ahahha..crazy lu..
anyway..heng jo jo!oh bodo kau..=p..(takan on da way back)
once again...thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.........!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ehehehhe
thank u so much for going up with me..
so nice of u lo...=p
sry for abandoning u in da 2 hours or so..=(..n few moments when u're in pondok..hehe
really..thanx thanx thanx thanx thanx a lot..~~
thank u heng jo jo for temaning me to c yung jo jo..ahahah..=D
love ya lots!!u're making me turning les d..hohoho..jaga sikit yea..xD
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